Readers discuss bullying, anti-woke politics, and Trump’s threats 2023

when the A train halted at the 181 St. station (“Fiends at work in subway,” March 15). He asked his assailants, “Why do you want me to get off?” Attempting escape. His assailants slapped, punched, and yelled at him.

Why? Was he an easy target? Because he’s Black? Is he autistic and Black? Violence: planned or unplanned? It matters? This youngster was attacked, yet no one assisted.

This keeps parents up at night, especially parents with disabled children. No amount of prayer, hope, or wishful thinking will ease the anguish of finding our children were bullied.

This is not a school, adolescent, or NYC issue. A social issue. Our trained apathy to violence against poor, disadvantaged, or different-raced individuals permits outrages like these virtually daily. Given our society’s tolerance of disability violence—incarceration, inferior housing, and poorly maintained communal facilities—many parents worry this atrocity may happen again.

Kindness, seeing, and protection are our duties. We must focus on assisting others. It safeguards our future. Camille Casaretti, Ellen McHugh

Taxi tax?

Columbia, MO: I’m Brooklyn-born. NYC is my annual two-week vacation. Over 15 cab journeys had a $2.50 “congestion” cost. Several trips faced odd traffic—late at night, early Sunday morning, etc.—but at least half did not. This hoax is easy to uncover. I felt abused because I always choose cabs over Uber. Kindly uncover this fraud. Steve Weinstein


Howard Beach Is Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh trying to ruin the FDNY, the world’s best? She must think she understands more about firefighting than all FDNY chiefs. They have almost 100 years of fire department and NYC knowledge together. Jean Novak


Whiting, NJ: I searched “best education by state” after Voicer Charles Michael Sitero’s letter praising Florida’s school system. Guess what, Charles? Northeastern blue states dominate. In liberal states, teaching “wokeness”—awareness of social injustices—works. Lord forbid we educate our kids about white oppression, critical race theory, climate change, mental health, or transgenderism—real issues they will face. I’m sure your excellent governor will work hard to return Florida’s school system to mid-19th century norms. He’s progressing. Bill McConnell

Poor defense

Brooklyn: If Alan Dershowitz, Trump’s whining apologist, had his way, prosecutors should stop up on prosecuting Trump because a fair trial is impossible (“Can Donald Trump obtain a fair trial in Manhattan?”). 24-March). Dershowitz makes prosecuting the ex-president sound disgusting. Where is “beyond a reasonable doubt”? Dershowitz’s inferred chop reasoning suggests prosecutors should drop the case. When legal experts perceive law as an obscure, aristocratic intellectual game, this occurs. It’s not. It’s real. Dershowitz may defend Jack the Ripper: “Your honor, murdering five women doesn’t make a boy all bad.” I doubt Dershowitz would aid a poor defendant wrongfully charged. His arguments are pathetic. Nicholas Smith

This again?

Camden, NJ: The televised news is gloomy not because of law enforcement but because of the consequences of indicting former President Donald Trump. I worry about Americans again. If elected in 2024, Trump will pardon his extreme fans. I doubt that pre-campaign bluster is enough to make a severe bunch of Trumpeters behave insane. W.E. Williams

Out of control

Trump’s threat of “death and devastation” if charged is excessive. He understands his remark is a call to arms for his adherents to intimidate the Manhattan district attorney who has received death threats. How can this insane man run for president? I hate to be harsh, but people who still support this maniac need their minds tested too. Carol Webb


Bronx: Law and order? Donald Trump may threaten, agitate, and upload a photo of himself with a baseball bat next to Alvin Bragg. Trump never touches dirt. His disciples fulfill his requests. Leave if Trump and his minions don’t like our laws. Perhaps his fans will give monies to buy an isolated island or two where Trump, his family, and his zombies can live miserably forever under the Trump Dynasty’s total authority. I, like millions of Americans, will not miss them. Maria McCorry


Staten Island: President Trump recently attacked the Manhattan district attorney, who is considering charging him in the Stormy Daniels controversy, on TV. He said it would bring “death and ruin” to America. He appeared carrying a baseball bat. Doesn’t the ex-president realize Batman is already a cartoon character? John Hogan

Sunset phase

Hope, R.I.: Trump is becoming Norma Desmond. I’m-ready-for-my-close-up career phase. Sad! Art Hayek

Spread out

Saint Albans: I agree with other Voicers regarding removing comic strips off the comics pages. “Between the Lines” and “Argyle Sweater” are like comic strip Tylenol—only good in little doses. “Grand Avenue” is new and requires time to establish itself among the more popular strips.

With time, it may improve. “WuMo” is one strip I believe is neither humorous nor smart. Does anyone remember the Sept. 8, 2022 comic when an adult man—a parent—tried to feed his kids dog food in the sake of “zero-waste”? “Curtis” by Ray Billingsley is a modern, thought-provoking, and amusing strip. I want more minority-owned and -created comic strips in newspapers, like “Jump Start.” Tony Vasser

Missing strip

Liberty, NY: Nobody mentions “The Lockhorns” Leroy and Loretta. Return them. Always amusing. I’m biased! Loretta Guido

Dual guidance

Johnson City: Mayor Adams’ religion-politics combo is great! America is its own church—for the people, by the people, and what they want. God’s Vatican. I sometimes wish for a leader who follows God’s commandments. Gloria McCormick

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